Helmets look heavy, but in fact we have to wear them when riding to protect our safety. Today we will discuss the role of helmets during riding and whether it is necessary to wear a helmet that looks heavy and hot when riding!

“Wearing a helmet can significantly reduce the risk of head and facial injuries to cyclists in a crash, even if the crash involves a motor vehicle.”
In fact, as early as 1999, three experts Diane C Thompson, Fred Rivara, and Robert Thompson had conducted a related experiment, and concluded in the experiment that "Helmets reduce bicycle-related head and facial injuries for bicyclists of all ages involved in all types of crashes, including those involving motor vehicles. Our response to comments from critics are presented in the Feedback section."

“Generally speaking, there are four main types of injuries that riders suffer when they crash: head injury, brain injury, severe brain damage, and facial fractures or lacerations.”
Studies have shown that helmets can reduce the risk of head and brain injuries by 65%-88%, and the risk of upper and middle face injuries by 65%, and are effective for riders of all ages.
However, due to the backward design of helmets at that time, we seem to find that the protection of the lower face by helmets is still insufficient. Now, with the development of technology, the protection of helmets is becoming more and more comprehensive, and helmets that can protect the whole face have gradually appeared.
Helmets are a good preventive measure for riders who have fallen or been injured. Although helmets only prevent head injuries, wearing a helmet will not affect the need for safe riding or other needs. So please remember to wear a helmet before riding to protect your body.