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Mountain riding sign language | DAYLYRIDE Bike

Mountain riding sign language | DAYLYRIDE Bike

Cycling sign language is the most common and practical language when riding in formation. When it is impossible to communicate in words, riding sign language is the only way for the rider to remind the rear riders of the road and conditions.

1. Steering: Extend the left hand horizontally to the left side of the body, with the palm facing forward, indicating that you are ready to turn to the left. The same is true for turning right, extending the right hand means turning right.

2. Forward: One arm (both left and right) leans forward 60°, with the palm facing inward. Coupled with the up and down swing, it represents accelerating forward.

3. Slow down and walk slowly: raise your arms high and palms forward, indicating that there are obstacles ahead and you need to slow down.

4. Stop: Raise one arm high and make a fist, indicating that there is a situation ahead and stop moving forward.

5. Pay attention to obstacles: the palm is extended obliquely to one side, indicating that there are obstacles on the road on that side and attention is required.

6. The road is bumpy: Stretch the palm of one hand obliquely and spread it flat, and swing the palm up and down, indicating that the road ahead is floating and bumpy.

7. Avoiding large obstacles: Stretch your arms and palms inward, and swing upwards to indicate that there are obstacles and dangers on this side, and you must move closer to the middle of the team.

8. Obstacle avoidance: Extend the index finger obliquely to point to a certain place, indicating that there is an obstacle to block, and remind the rear team members to pay attention to avoid.

9. Remind the oncoming vehicle: When passing the intersection, stretch out your hand horizontally in the direction of the oncoming vehicle, with the palm facing the oncoming vehicle, to remind the other party to give way.

10. Marching in single row and double row: Hold one hand high and use fingers to indicate that one finger means single row, and two fingers means double row.

11. Change the lead rider: The right hand is at the side, and the palm moves forward and backward quickly, prompting to change the lead rider.

12. Please overtake from behind: Stretch out your arms obliquely, palms forward, and swing back and forth, indicating that the team members on that side can overtake.

13. Formation car: Stretch one hand behind the back, swing it diagonally downwards, and remind the rear team members to maintain formation and ride behind.

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