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How to ride an electric bike/bicycle for the first time?

How to ride an electric bike/bicycle for the first time?

I remember that it was very difficult to learn to ride a bicycle when I was a child. It felt like an impossible task. However, with the guidance of adults and my own practice, I gradually learned to ride a bicycle. What should I do if I don’t know how to ride a bicycle? The following is a description of the skills of riding a bicycle and the precautions of riding an electric bicycle. I hope it can help those who want to learn to ride a bicycle or an electric bicycle.

Cycling tips:

For beginners, the most fearful thing when learning to ride a bike is losing balance. There are several factors that affect balance: first, physical fitness, second, psychological quality, third, the quality of the bike, and fourth, the center of gravity of the body.

1. Basic Bicycle Riding Skills

(1) Posture

The correct riding posture is: the upper body is low, the head is slightly tilted and stretched forward; the arms are naturally bent to facilitate the arch of the waist, lower the center of gravity of the body, and at the same time prevent the impact force caused by the bumps of the bicycle from being transmitted to the whole body; both hands hold the handlebars lightly and firmly, and the buttocks sit firmly on the seat.

(2) Pedaling

There are three pedaling methods for cycling: freestyle, toes down and heels down.

1. Freestyle pedaling method: At present, most of the outstanding athletes use the freestyle pedaling method. This pedaling method is that the ankle joint angle changes according to the different parts of the foot during the rotation of one circle. Freestyle pedaling conforms to the principle of mechanics. The direction of force is consistent with the tangent of the circle formed when the pedal rotates, which reduces the range of motion of the knee joint and thigh, which is conducive to increasing the pedaling frequency, naturally passing through the critical area, and reducing dead points. The thigh muscles can also be relatively relaxed. But this pedaling method is difficult to master.

2. Toe-down pedaling method: Its pedaling characteristic is that the toes are always downward during the entire pedaling rotation process. This method has a small range of motion of the ankle joint, which is conducive to increasing the frequency and easy to master, but the leg muscles are always in a tense state, which is not conducive to naturally passing through the critical area.

3. Heel-down pedaling method: The heel-down pedaling method is to point the toes slightly upward and the heels downward 8 to 15 degrees. This method is rarely used in normal riding. Only a few people use the heel-down pedaling method when they need to make excessive adjustments during riding. Its characteristic is that the muscles change their force state in a short period of time, get a short rest, and achieve the purpose of recovering muscle fatigue.

Turning skills:

(i) Leaning method: the bicycle body is in a straight line, tilting inwards.

1. The center of gravity of the body is based on the bicycle and tilts inwards, and the person and the bike maintain the same tilt angle.

2. Straighten the outer knee and subconsciously add some strength, as if you are going to step on the pedal (but if you really step on it, don't come to us).

3. Use the inner knee to support the crossbar. This is a good way to adjust your trajectory. Reducing pressure can reduce the curve.

4. The outer hand slightly pulls up the handlebar. Two good opportunities to use tilting:

You can use the less sharp turns (less than 45 degrees) to accelerate; you can clearly see the front but unfamiliar turns. On wet asphalt roads, there are two disadvantages of tilting: on rainy days, although this turning technique can give you a good traction, its angle and weight distribution and arrangement are not conducive to slippery roads; the tilting technique is not as sensitive as the corresponding twisting.

(ii) Handle method: keep the bicycle upright and tilt the body inwards.

1. Move forward until the nose and brake handlebar are in line.

2. Keep the bike upright and lean into the bend (enough to straighten the outside arm).

3. Tilt the handlebars to the inside of the bend.

4. Bend the elbow of the inside arm to pull the handlebars back, while the outside arm pushes the handlebars to turn the direction of the handlebars.

5. Keep both knees inward and continue pedaling.


Bicycle uphill and downhill riding techniques

(I) Uphill riding techniques When riding uphill, you should maintain normal pedaling movements and not exert force suddenly.

Under normal circumstances, it is not advisable to use standing or pulling riding methods, otherwise it will consume too much physical strength. When encountering a short-distance slope, you should make full use of the inertia principle of object movement and pedal easily. When you are about to reach the top of the slope, you can use standing riding to increase the speed as much as possible to create favorable conditions for downhill acceleration. When encountering a long uphill, you should adjust the transmission ratio in time according to your physical condition. Don't wait until you can't ride anymore and the speed has completely dropped before changing the transmission ratio. You must resolutely avoid the phenomenon of restarting. When the slope is long or there is a steep slope, you can alternately use the standing riding method to adjust the force area and let some muscles rest.

Don't follow the bicycle too closely when going uphill. Due to the force of going uphill, the vehicle often swings left and right. If you follow the bike too closely, a collision may occur. Furthermore, the speed drops significantly when going uphill, and following a bike will restrict your riding method.

(II) Downhill riding technique

To achieve the ideal effect of downhill riding, you must be brave and resourceful, bold and careful, concentrate your energy, keep your eyes on the road ahead, and be ready to decisively deal with any situation on the road at any time; not only should you make full use of the inertia of the bicycle to slide, but you must also dare to actively pedal and increase the speed.

When turning, the body and the bicycle should be consistent, leaning inward, and the upper body and the bicycle should be in a straight line to overcome the centrifugal force. The tilt angle depends on the speed and the size of the curve, but generally should not exceed 28 degrees, otherwise there is a risk of slipping. Control the speed before turning. Use the brake method to gradually slow down. When braking, try to use the front and rear brakes at the same time. The front brake can be used slightly in advance. When using the front brake, the direction of the front wheel must be consistent with the direction of the bicycle's forward movement. Otherwise, the rider's weight and the inertia of the bicycle will be limited and cause a fall. Release the brake after entering the curve to avoid unnecessary deceleration. Do not use the rear brake too hard on the curve. Otherwise the bicycle may turn around or slip.


Braking skills

(i) Move your weight backward when using the front brake When you use the front brake, your weight will naturally move forward due to inertia. You must practice consciously moving your weight backward (lower your body and move your butt backward) when you start braking. The more weight you move backward, the more braking force you can use. You can practice on sand or slightly slippery flat ground, speed up and use different forces to press your front and rear brakes to understand how to control your brakes. Or ask an expert how he uses the brakes when riding.

(ii) Reduce the power of the front brake when turning Just like driving a bicycle, you must reduce your speed when turning. If you press your brakes hard when turning, you will skid and lose control. Use your front and rear brakes at the same time to reduce your speed when turning. When braking, your front wheel will react less, so reducing the front brake force will make your turn more perfect.

If you are in a sharp downhill turn and need to use the brakes, try to use the power of the rear brake. If you are on flat ground, when braking at the last moment, lower your center of gravity backwards and apply 30% of the braking force to the front and 70% to the back to brake.

(III) Do not over-press the front brake "Inertia is your friend", you need speed to pass rocks and obstacles. Otherwise, the wheels will stop turning and brake you over the handlebars. Excessive pressure on the front brake will shift your center of gravity forward, causing the front of the bicycle to tilt downward.

If you use the front brake in a steep downhill turn, you must control your front and rear brakes at the same time, and do not press them too hard. At this time, you can release and press the brakes to prevent the brakes from locking.


Electric bike riding tips

  • Stage 1: buy a new electric bicycle, find a flat open space about 40 meters long and 20 meters wide (smaller is also OK), learn to push the electric bike, the speed should be 6-8km/h, learn the method of left-hand brake, be careful not to fall sideways, the time is about 1 day (slow at most 2 days). Features Very physically demanding, take a break and then learn again.


  • Stage 2: park the electric bicycle, set up the support frame, first turn the ignition switch to slow gear (low gear), lightly hold the brake with your left hand, gently twist the ignition switch with your right hand to accelerate (try the acceleration method), try to brake the rear wheel with your left hand, watch the braking effect, and get familiar with it. Master the acceleration skills, not just being able to accelerate, the key is to accelerate evenly from small to large, and control the speed at about 5km/h. The time is about half a day. It is more physically demanding, take a break and then learn again.


  • Stage 3: test the frame, cross your feet on the ground, try to accelerate the ignition switch, pay attention to pinching the brake handle with your left hand to prevent falling, mainly rollover, the speed should be controlled below 5km/h, and find a sense of balance. You may occasionally feel a sense of balance on flat ground or downhill (slightly inclined places). The key is to sit upright, sit straight, and cross the handle with both hands (try not to swing left and right to find a sense of balance). It takes about 2 days, and at most 3-4 days. Features It is very physically demanding. You can learn again after a break. Both legs may hurt.


  • Stage 4: Slowly increase the speed from 5,000 kilometers per hour to 10,000 kilometers per hour, and evenly increase the power to accelerate. This is very important. Control the speed and pay attention to safety test. During this period, the sense of balance is getting better and better. Occasionally, there is a sense of balance of three-meter, five-meter, seven-meter or ten-meter ebikes. The speed is already fast. Pay attention to safety. Occasionally, there may be sideways and the lower limbs may be scratched or slightly scratched. It is not a big deal. This is inevitable. The time is about 3 days. You can practice again every two days. Because it is very physically demanding, you can learn again after a break. Both legs may hurt.


  • Stage 5: After you are very proficient in charging skills, try to control the speed between 12-15 kilometers per hour. The speed is already very fast, and you have a basic sense of balance. You can lift your feet off the ground and clamp them on both sides (not on the pedals). The key is to cross the handlebars with both hands, sit up straight, and look straight ahead. At this time, you have a special sense of balance and can go around the dam for many times. At the same time, you learn how to turn left or right. The angle cannot be too small, otherwise it is easy to fall sideways. It takes about 2 days. It is very physically demanding. You can learn again after a break.


  • Stage 6: Get on the electric bike, sit up straight, turn the electric switch to accelerate. At a speed of 15km per hour, you have a good sense of balance. You can move in a straight line in the dam, and you can control it more freely. You can move counterclockwise or clockwise. Your feet may still fall on both sides and not on the pedals. At this time, your interest in learning is getting higher and higher. At a speed of 20km per hour, you have a particularly good sense of balance. Your hands can balance the direction of movement left and right. You have basically mastered the balance skills. You can ride many circles with your feet clamped on both sides. It takes about 2 days to complete. It is more physically demanding, not as tiring as before.


  • Stage 7: Focus on learning how to turn left or right (because you have already learned a turning method before), and learn to honk the horn, turn left and right lights, headlights, and small lights until you are proficient. You can basically learn to turn left or right in one hour, but if you are not proficient, the speed should be between 10-12 kilometers per hour, and then gradually increase to 12-15km per hour. Pay attention to holding the brakes tightly at each stage, which is the life brake. It takes about 2 days, and the slowest is no more than 3 days. It is more physically demanding, not as tiring as before.


  • Stage 8: Both feet can be placed on the pedals, turning left and right is relatively free, and the sense of balance can be controlled freely within 15 kilometers, no problem, and at the same time learn to honk the horn and turn left and right lights. At this stage, turning within a speed of 15-20 kilometers is somewhat difficult. Balance can be mastered freely within a speed of 10-15 kilometers per hour, but it is more difficult below 10km. It takes about 2 days.


  • Stage 9: The key is to learn the balance of low-speed driving at a speed of 6-8 kilometers on a narrow road with a width of 2 meters. Draw three lines (1 meter between lines) on a simulated small road in the dam with chalk. Try to occupy the right lane when turning and driving, but do not drive out of the right lane. The right lane is bumpy or rocky. Test the balance method at a speed of 6-8 kilometers per hour (basically high-speed balance before).

The learning at this stage is very important and takes at least 5 days. At this speed, driving clockwise and counterclockwise and turning are flexible and safe, and do not exceed the right lane. The learning is completed only when you reach the proficiency level. The speed of 6-8 kilometers per hour is basically the speed of people walking. When driving in a crowded environment or when passing each other on a narrow road, you must drive at a low speed. If the speed is too fast above 10 kilometers per hour, it is easy to hit a car or hit someone. If you occupy the road on the road and cause a safety accident, you must be responsible. The characteristic is that you will not fall over and the ebike will not fall sideways at this stage.

  • Stage 10: After you can drive at a low speed on a 2-meter road and turn flexibly, practice dodging, evading, honking, turning lights, front and rear brake handles. After you are proficient in this, you can drive on the road. Driving on a wide road will definitely be smooth and there will be no problems. You need to practice more on narrow roads. Remember: you must obey traffic rules.

On the road, we often see some young people riding electric bicycles not obeying traffic rules. They not only run red lights, but also drive in the opposite direction, which is quite dangerous. Therefore, we warn those who ride electric bicycles to pay attention to traffic safety, protect themselves and not hurt others.

Ebike Recommendations for Newbies

DAYLYRIDE Bikes sells beginner mountain e-bikes as well as beginner commuter e-bikes to suit the needs of different styles of riders.

When choosing a beginner electric bike, consider our DAYLYRIDE DYG90 - A mountain electric bike with a long range 1000w motor;DAYLYRIDE DYK26 - A Shimano 27 Speed ​​commuter mountain bike.

You can click on the picture to jump to the corresponding product for detailed information.

750W Ebike

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